Frequently Asked Questions

National Service
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Will I be disrupted from full time National Service if I am awarded a PSC scholarship? What is the duration of disruption?

Male PSC scholarship holders are generally allowed to disrupt from their full-time National Service obligation in order to proceed their studies. The disruption from full-time National Service will cover the full duration of the undergraduate course. If you opted for disruption, you will be required to serve the remaining balance of your full-time National Service upon graduation, before your deployment.

Can I opt to not be disrupted from full-time National Service?

In general, scholarship holders will proceed for their studies the year they are awarded the scholarship and serve the remaining balance of their full-time National Service upon graduation and before appointment into the Civil Service. Requests for deferment of studies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Is it possible for PSC to request MINDEF to change my army vocation to one relevant to my university qualification?

While MINDEF would like to take into consideration the individual preferences of full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) in their posting, deployment is based largely on medical status and the overall organisational requirements of the SAF.

I have completed only 2 terms of my Officer Cadet School (OCS) training. Do I resume my OCS training upon completion of studies?

Your posting on re-enlistment to National Service will be decided by MINDEF. Arrangements will be made for you to undergo a medical check-up to determine your fitness to resume OCS training.

Can I serve part of my full-time National Service during the university vacation?

You will not be required to serve the remaining period of your full-time National Service during your university vacation. You will do so upon graduation and before appointment into the Civil Service. It would not be in your interest nor that of the SAF / SPF's for you to serve the balance of your full-time National Service in short intervals during the vacation as you cannot be meaningfully deployed to meet SAF / SPF's organisational needs. You will also not be adequately equipped to be operationally ready. As such, you are encouraged to use your vacation wisely to engage in other activities that would broaden your horizons and put you in good stead for your future career.

How much of my National Service is counted towards the discharge of my bond?

The period of National Service counted towards the discharge of the scholarship bond is five or ten months for all PSC scholarship holders, depending on the period of service and subject to a minimum effective bond period of three and a half years in Service. The latter is required so that there would be a sufficient length of time for them to get to know the Public Service and for us to assess their fit for the job.

29 Mar 2023